a t
h o m e
ike most of their clients, M andy and
M ille r Lo w ry wanted th eir own home
to be more about com fort and quality
than lu x u ry and square footage. But
this designing duo—she’s an interior
designer, he's a b u ilder—faced an
additional challenge: m aking sure their
new house w ould be a good fit for their historic
village north of Atlanta.
A classic Cape C o d-style cottage slipped easily
into the neighborhood, then the Low rys piled on
more period character w ith stone trim , m oldings,
and arched w indow s and doorways.
T h e open floor plan allow s the couple and their
frequent guests to move easily between kitchen,
d in in g room, and fam ily room, often gravitating
toward the back porch. P lu m p ly cushioned w icker
chairs and sofa, plus curtains and lamps, make it a
breezy extension of the fam ily room. “T h e porch
is the best place to spend a w inter evening by the
fireplace,” M andy says.
She tries not to overthink w hen decorating. If a
room feels peaceful to her, it’s a success. She
ruthlessly resists clutter and favors furniture w ith
sim ple, traditional lines. Restful neutral back-
grounds and islands of muted greens and blues get
punched up w ith fun splashes o f citrus colors and
su rp risin g geom etric and floral patterns.
“M ille r and I are really happy w ith the way
things turned out,” M andy says. “It feels like an
older home, but it’s very com fortable and in vitin g
and great for entertaining.”
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